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Monday, 22 September 2014

Significant Investor Visa (SIV) - Update

The table below shows statistics since commencement of the SIV on 24 November 2012 until 31 August 2014.

Expressions of Interest (EOI) submitted through SkillSelect
Invitations to apply for a SIV issued as a result of applicants being nominated by a state or territory government
Primary applications lodged
Primary visas granted

As of 31 August 2014:

·         45.8 per cent of primary visa applications have been on hand for less than three months

·         AUD1.930 billion has been invested in Complying Investments

·         AUD3.055 billion is proposed to be invested in Complying Investments.

The table below shows the state and territory distribution of the SIV.

Significant Investor visa: State and territory distribution - 24 November 2012 - 31 August 2014

EOIs submitted
Applications lodged
Visas granted

The table below shows the distribution of primary visa applications and visa grants for the top five source countries for the SIV.

Applicants for top five source countries
Percentage of total visa applications
Grants for top five source countries
Percentage of total visas granted
Hong Kong
Hong Kong
South Africa
South Africa

The table below shows the state and territory distribution of SIV for the 2013-2014 financial year.

Significant Investor Visa: State/territory distribution - 1 July 2013 – 30 June 2014

EOIs submitted
Applications lodged
Visas granted


Source: DIBP

Review of the skilled migration and 400 series visa programmes

The Department has released further information related to the Review of the skilled migration and 400 series visa programmes.

There are four broad review terms of reference:

  • Review the effectiveness of the current skilled migration and 400 series visa programmes with the aim to reduce unnecessary red tape and impost on Australian business.
  • Explore and develop, in consultation with key stakeholders, new and innovative skilled migration visa models to support Australia’s short and long term skilled migration needs while ensuring the primacy of Australian workers.
  • Implement a new skilled migration visa framework that is supportive, flexible and responsive and which enriches the Australian economy through a well-managed skilled migration programme.
  • Ensure that integrity is maintained and strengthened in a new skilled migration framework.
The review will be guided by the following six principles:

  • Simplicity in design supports increased comprehension and usability.
  • Structural flexibility is critical to ensure changing skilled migration needs can be met.
  • Employment outcomes should be a key driver for Australia's skilled migration programmes.
  • Skilled migration must support and complement the Australian labour market.
  • Integrity is essential to maintain the continued acceptance of a skilled migration programme.
  • Support the whole of government deregulation agenda to reduce red tape and regulatory costs for Australian business and industry.
The Department has prepared a discussion paper Reviewing the Skilled Migration and 400 Series Visa Programmes to further assist in this process.

The consultation process is divided into three phases:

  • Scoping and development – will seek input from key stakeholders on the current skilled migration and temporary activity visa frameworks and explore concept visa models.
  • Refinement- will provide stakeholders with an opportunity to further contribute to any proposed skilled visa framework.
  • Implementation - will share understanding and raise awareness of the new visa frameworks.

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Diversity Visa Green Card lottery registration opening next month!

Want to make a permanent move to the United States and don’t know how? Apply for the Diversity Visa Green Card lottery starting next month for your chance to make your U.S. dream come true!

The United States Government grants 50,000 permanent resident cards (green cards) each year to individuals from other countries with low rates of immigration to the United States. This year’s Diversity Visa lottery registration program (DV-2016) will be open from 1 October 2014 – 3 November 2014.

To qualify for the DV Lottery this year, applicants must meet two specific requirements.

1.       Applicants must be born in a qualifying country

2.       Applicants much have education or work experience that qualifies for the DV2016 Lottery

(Note, this years (2014) DV Lottery is called the DV-2016 Lottery, where 2016 is the year the winners may enter the United States on their Immigrant Visa that they obtained in the 2014 DV Lottery.)

For further information, please visit the following website: http://www.dv-lottery.us/

For any additional questions, please contact our U.S. Immigration Attorney, Melissa Vincenty:  http://nfmelbournelawyers.com.au/us-immigration.php

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Does the U.S. Visa Waiver Program Pose a Danger to National Security?

In the past couple of days, I have run across two opposing viewpoints in articles discussing the U.S. Visa Waiver Program:

U.S. Representative Tulsi Gabbard, from my home state of Hawaii, says  "Americans are in great danger because many Europeans can visit for up to 90 days by registering online." She suggests "suspending British, French and German citizens from visa-free travel to the U.S. because of "large numbers" of Islamic extremists."  

U.S. Representative Candice Miller is jumping on this bandwagon as well.  According to Rep. Miller, " With nearly 40-countries participating in the U.S. Visa Waiver Program, terrorists with Western passports pose additional risks because many are eligible for visa-free travel to the U.S. In fact, she says, as many as twelve-thousand Jihadist militants currently fighting in Iraq and Syria hold Western passports."

On the other side of this debate is the Heritage Foundation, who produced a commentary on the successes and benefits of the Visa Waiver Program, which allows U.S. citizens reciprocal rights of entry into numerous countries.  The report is very informative and correct in its analysis.  

The bottom line is that the Visa Waiver Program is a valuable tool in international mobility and should be improved and expanded in the future.  For further information about U.S. Visas, visit us at:  http://nfmelbournelawyers.com.au/us-immigration.php

Monday, 15 September 2014

Subclass 457 - Government Review

At a National Press Club lunch on 10 September 2014, the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, the Hon Scott Morrison, discussed the Government’s response to the just released report by the panel conducting the Independent Review into Integrity in the Subclass 457 programme.
The Minister praised the report for its “balanced and measured” 22 recommendations.
Minister Morrison did not give any details of the implementation date for the recommendations, but said that the Government will give a detailed response “in the weeks and months ahead”.
We will provide further details as soon as they become available.
Report Recommendations

Recommendation 1 – Core solutions

1.1 That, in lieu of the existing Ministerial Advisory Council on Skilled Migration, a new

tripartite ministerial advisory council, which is not necessarily prescribed in legislation, be

established to report to government on skilled migration issues.

1.2 That the new ministerial advisory council be supported by a dedicated labour market

analysis resource.

Recommendation 2 – Core solutions

2. Acknowledging that, as the OECD has pointed out, employer-conducted labour

market testing is not “fully reliable”, and in the Australian context has proven ineffective,

that the current legislative requirement for labour market testing be abolished.

Recommendation 3 - Core solutions

3.1 That the Consolidated Sponsored Occupations List be retained as a list of

occupations which are at Skill Level 3 and above, and that the Consolidated Sponsored

Occupations List should be able to be amended by two means: first, the addition of skilled

occupations which can be shown to exist in the community but which may not be on the

ANZSCO list; and, second, the refinement of the Consolidated Sponsored Occupations List in

cases where there may be integrity or appropriateness concerns. Any occupations not on

the list, which are usually referred to as semi-skilled, may be addressed as part of the

Labour Agreement regime.

3.2 That the new ministerial advisory council provide advice on those occupations where

some concern exists and recommend additional requirements or limitations on occupations

and/or regions.

Recommendation 4 - Market Salary Rate

4. That the market rate framework continue to operate as a core component of the

457 programme, but that the earnings threshold above which there is an exemption from

the need to demonstrate the market rate should be aligned with the income level above

which the top marginal tax rate is paid (currently at $180 000).

Recommendation 5 - Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold

5.1 While there is an argument for abolishing the Temporary Skilled Migration Income

Threshold, that it nevertheless be retained to allow for streamlining within the wider

programme, and that concessions to the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold be

afforded under Labour Agreements, Enterprise Migration Agreements and Designated Area

Migration Agreements, as appropriate.

5.2 That the current Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold be retained at

$53 900 p.a. but that it not undergo any further increases until it is reviewed within two years.

5.3 That the two roles currently performed by the Temporary Skilled Migration Income

Threshold (that is, acting as a determination of the eligibility of occupations for access to the

scheme and as an income floor) be more clearly articulated in the 457 programme, and that

consideration be given to accepting the eligibility threshold as up to 10 per cent lower than

the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold.

5.4 That the government give further consideration to a regional concession to the

Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold, but only in limited circumstances where

evidence clearly supports such concession.

5.5 That in circumstances where the base rate of pay is below the Temporary Skilled

Migration Income Threshold, the current flexible approach adopted by the department,

taking into account guaranteed annual earnings to arrive at a rate that meets the minimum

requirement of Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold be continued and made

more visible to users of the programme and their professional advisors.

Recommendation 6 - Training benchmarks

6.1 That the current training benchmarks be replaced by an annual training fund

contribution based on each 457 visa holder sponsored, with the contributions scaled

according to size of business.

6.2 That any funding raised by way of a training contribution from sponsors of 457 visa

holders be invested in:

a) training and support initiatives, including job readiness, life skills, and outreach

programmes for disengaged groups, particularly youth who have fallen out of the

school system;

b) programmes allowing employers to take on apprentices/trainees from target groups,

including Indigenous Australians and those in rural and regional areas;

c) mentoring programmes and training scholarships aimed at providing upskilling

opportunities within the vocational training and higher education sectors that

address critical skills gaps in the current Australian workforce. Target sectors include

those industries, such as nursing and the IT sector, that rely heavily on 457 workers;


d) training and support initiatives for sectors of critical national priority. Target sectors

include industries experiencing significant increase in labour demands, such as the

aged care and disability care sectors.

6.3 That funds raised through the training contribution be dedicated to this training role

and that the government reports annually on how these monies are spent by the

Department of Industry.

6.4 That there be a new sponsor obligation to ensure that the cost to the sponsor of the

training contribution cannot be passed onto a 457 visa holder or third party.

Recommendation 7 - English language requirement

7.1 That the English language requirement be amended to an average score.

For example, in relation to International English Language Testing System, the 457 applicant

should have an average of 5 across the four competencies (or the equivalent for an

alternative English language testing provider).

7.2 That greater flexibility be provided for industries or businesses to seek concessions

to the English language requirement for certain occupations on a case by case basis, or

under a Labour Agreement, Enterprise Migration Agreement or Designated Area Migration

Agreement, as appropriate.

7.3 That consideration be given to alternative English language test providers.

7.4 That consideration be given to expanding the list of nationalities that are exempt

from the need to demonstrate they meet the English language requirement.

7.5 That instead of the current exemption which requires five years continuous study,

five years cumulative study be accepted.

Recommendation 8 - Genuine position requirement

8.1 That there be targeted training for decision-makers in relation to the assessment of

the genuine position requirement.

8.2 That before decision-makers refuse a nomination on the basis of the genuine

position requirement, the sponsor be invited to provide further information to the


Recommendation 9 - Skills assessments

9. That the government should explore how skills assessments could more

appropriately recognise a visa applicant's experience.

Recommendation 10 - Sponsorship

10.1 That Standard Business Sponsors should be approved for five years and start-up

business sponsors for 18 months.

10.2 That as part of the government’s deregulation agenda, the department should

develop a simplified process for sponsor renewal.

10.3 That the department consider combining as many sponsorship classes as possible.

10.4 That when more detailed information is available, the department should investigate

the alignment of overseas business and Labour Agreement sponsorship periods with the

general Standard Business Sponsorship approval period.

10.5 That the timeframe for the sponsor to notify the department of notifiable events as

set out in legislation should be extended to 28 days after the event has occurred.

10.6 That the department should explore options that would enable the enforcement of

the attestation relating to non-discriminatory employment practices.

10.7 That it be made unlawful for a sponsor to be paid by visa applicants for a migration

outcome, and that this be reinforced by a robust penalty and conviction framework.

Recommendation 11 - Fees

11. That the government should review the fee structure, especially for secondary visa

applicants and visa renewal applications.

Recommendation 12 - Information provision

12.1 That sponsors be required to include as part of the signed employment contract:

a) a summary of visa holder rights prepared by the department; and,

b) the Fair Work Ombudsman’s Fair Work Information Statement.

12.2 That improvements be made to both the accessibility and content on the

department’s website specific to 457 visa holder rights and obligations, and utilising the

department’s significant online presence more effectively to educate 457 visa holders on

their rights in Australia.

Recommendation 13 A streamlined approach

13.1 That consideration be given to creating streamlined processing within the existing

457 programme as a deregulatory measure. To maintain programme integrity, streamlining

should be built around risk factors including business size, occupation, salary and sponsor


13.2 That should the recommended nomination and visa streamlining outlined in this

report be implemented, the department should investigate a redefined accredited sponsor

system. Current accredited sponsors should retain their priority processing benefits until

their sponsorship ceases; however, no further sponsors should be afforded accredited

status until a new system is implemented.

Recommendation 14 - Labour Agreements

14.1 That Labour Agreement negotiation times be significantly improved to enable a

demand-driven and responsive pathway for temporary migration, where the standard

457 programme arrangements are not suitable.

14.2 That to enable the Labour Agreement pathway to be more open and accessible for

additional industry sectors, consideration be given to the development of other template

agreements that will address temporary local labour shortages in industries of need.

Recommendation 15 - Pathways to permanent residence

15.1 That 457 visa holders be required to work for at least two years in Australia before

transitioning to the Employer Nomination Scheme or Regional Sponsored Migration

Scheme, and that consideration be given to the amount of time required with a nominating

employer being at least one year.

15.2 That consideration be given to reviewing the age restriction on those 457 visa

holders transitioning to the Employer Nomination Scheme or Regional Sponsored Migration


15.3 That consideration be given to facilitating access for partners of primary sponsored

457 visa holders to secure permanent residence under the Temporary Residence Transition


Recommendation 16 - Role of education

16. That consideration be given to the allocation of more resources to programmes

aimed at helping sponsors understand and comply with their obligations, whether those

programmes are delivered directly to sponsors or through the migration advice profession.

Recommendation 17 - Monitoring

17. That greater priority be given to monitoring, and that the department continue to

enhance its compliance model to ensure those resources are applied efficiently and


Recommendation 18 - Inter-agency cooperation

18.1 That there be greater collaboration between the department and the Australian

Taxation Office to uphold integrity within the 457 programme and minimise the burden on


18.2 That a change to 457 visa conditions be introduced to place an obligation on the visa

holder to provide the department with their Australian tax file number.

Recommendation 19 - Fair Work Ombudsman

19.1 That the Fair Work Ombudsman’s current complementary role in monitoring

compliance and referral of findings to the department for action should continue.

19.2 That the department should provide information in real time that is both current and

in a format compatible with that of the Fair Work Ombudsman..

Recommendation 20 - Fair Work Commission

20.1 That the department monitor decisions of the Fair Work Commission, so as to

determine if sponsors have breached obligations or provided false and misleading


20.2 That the department require sponsors, when lodging a new nomination application

to certify that there has been no change to the information provided to the department in

relation to whether the business or an associated entity has been subject to "adverse

information" as that term is defined in the legislation.

Recommendation 21 - Sanctions

21.1 That dedicated resourcing be made available to the department to enable the

investigation and prosecution of civil penalty applications and court orders.

21.2 That the department disclose greater information on its sanction actions and

communicate this directly to all sponsors and the migration advice profession as well as

placing information on the website.

Recommendation 22 - Systems enhancements

22. That the department investigate the feasibility of system improvements that

facilitate greater linkages with information held by other government agencies.