Sunday 9 November 2014

Australian Government Reinstates 'Non-Contributory' Parent Visa & Carer Visa

The Australian Senate voted on Thursday, September 25th of this year, to overturn the Abbott Government’s attempts to repeal a number of important and affordable visas, specifically for overseas workers’ family members and potential carers.

According to Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, the immigration spokesperson of the Greens, what the Senate has voted for is to make sure that families are given a chance to live together and be able to look after each other in Australia.

“The success of this disallowance motion means that thousands of Australian families will have a chance to reunite with relatives from around the world,” Senator Hanson-Young continued to say.

What the results of the vote mean is that from now on, the permanent residents or the citizens of Australia can sponsor their parents as well as their dependent relatives to come to the country or at least sponsor a relative to care for them in the event that they become ill and have a permanent or long-term medical condition through the 5 types of ‘non-contributory’ visas which include the Aged Parent Visa, the Aged Dependent Relative Visa, the Carer Visa, Parent Visa, and the Remaining Relative Visa.

However, these visas are only going to be made available for a limited time (possibly up to six months from now), so if you would like to lodge an application for one of these visas it would be better that you submit it as soon as possible. In addition, only the new applications are going to be accepted for these visa subclasses. This means that any application lodged after the 2nd of June, 2014 and before the 25th of September also of this year, is going to be considered invalid. Therefore, it’s going to have to be submitted once again.

It may be an inconvenience but these are the new guidelines which would have to be followed in order for the lodged applications to be valid.

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